leases available at 180 outdoors

"Free Range Fair Chase KANSAS Hunting at its Finest!"
180 Outdoors LLC. is an outfitter located in Southeast Kansas and offers guided and non-guided whitetail deer, waterfowl, turkey and predator hunts. We specialize in the overall experience and pride ourselves in the amount of return customers we have every year
As you know, Kansas has a world renowned whitetail deer herd and we have compiled thousands of acres of prime hunting habitat. Our leases provide a wide variety of terrain. From Rolling Hills, Oak Ridge’s, CRP, Native grass pasture, cedar and hedge thickets, to creek bottoms. Whether you are looking to get your family out of the city or hunt for a Boone and Crocket Whitetail we have a place for you.
See current season photos, previous seasons harvest photos, and trail camera photos
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